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Responding to news that assaulting a shop worker is to be made a separate criminal offence in England and Wales, Mike Robinson, Chief Executive of British Safety Council said “The Government’s decision to make assaulting a shop worker a standalone criminal office in England and Wales reflects the rising risks faced by retail workers. To date, the retail sector has largely shouldered the weight of protecting staff against intimidation and violence, through enhanced de-escalation training, self-defence training, and the introduction of body-worn cameras.

"Providing law enforcement agencies and our courts and tribunals service, with the powers that they need to combat and prosecute violent offenders should serve as an effective deterrent to would-be offenders. A standalone offence reflects the severity of the recent rising trends in anti-social behaviour, intimidation, and physical violence faced by those in customer-facing retail roles, and reminds wider society why worker safety must form a cornerstone of government policy, our society, and our economy.”