
    Building Modelling iStock Franck-Boston

    How Building Information Modelling can improve the management and delivery of occupational safety and health

    Building Information Modelling has traditionally been used to develop and share digital information, plans and 3D models for the efficient design and construction of buildings and other physical assets, but it also holds huge promise for ensuring the safety of construction projects, from the design phase through to the management of the build itself.

    By Manuel Tender, Digital4OSH on 07 February 2025

    Woman at Stand Up Desk iStock martin-dm

    Adaptability, ergonomics and wellbeing: building blocks for the workplace in 2025

    Employee expectations around the nature and organisation of office, home and hybrid working have changed significantly in recent years, making it more important than ever for employers to rethink and update their approaches to flexible working, ergonomics and workplace design, to better support employee wellbeing, motivation and job satisfaction.

    By Guy Osmond, Osmond Ergonomics and Alex Reffell, Osmond Inclusive Wellbeing Services on 04 February 2025

    Woman WFH iStock

    Supporting wellbeing across the flexible extended workplace: why we need a different approach

    Flexible working has been shown to offer numerous benefits, from improved employee wellbeing to greater productivity. But the rapidly changing nature of work in a digital age means employers need to take a strategic, joined-up approach when implementing flexible working practices, if they are to fully realise the benefits.

    By Andy Lake, Flexibility.co.uk on 04 February 2025

    Homeworking Setup iStock martin-dm

    Supporting wellbeing when working from home: some key tips

    Home and hybrid working are now firmly established as regular working patterns for significant numbers of people, so it’s a good time for employers to revisit their arrangements for supporting the wellbeing of home workers – from ensuring good ergonomic workstation set-ups to encouraging regular rest breaks.

    By Nigel Oseland, Workplace Unlimited on 31 January 2025

    Draeger Hire Equipment

    Gas detection and monitoring: safety as a service

    Renting, rather than purchasing, safety equipment like gas detectors and respirators can, in certain situations, offer safety, environmental and productivity benefits, including immediate access to the most up-to-date technology and the ability to save on ongoing maintenance costs.

    By Neil Shepherd, Dräger Hire on 31 January 2025

    Angry Customer Cartoon iStock zaricm

    The customer is not always (al)right: the alarming rise of abuse and violence against public-facing workers

    Incidents of abuse and violence against workers who deal with the public are on the rise. What is causing this spike in inappropriate behaviour, and what can employers and the Government do to make the workplace safer for public-facing employees?

    By Kerry Reals on 31 January 2025

    Worker in Office with Plants iStock Georgijevic

    A green and bright workplace: how biophilic design boosts employee wellbeing

    Incorporating elements of nature, greenery and natural lighting into the workplace has been shown to have a positive impact on employee mental and physical wellbeing, creativity and productivity, and there are some simple and low-cost ways of achieving this, even in the most built-up areas.

    By Dr Keith Whitehead, British Safety Council on 31 January 2025

    Wind Turbines Draeger

    The energy transition: why the safety risks must be managed

    The move to clean power, such as renewables and hydrogen, is rapidly gathering pace. If the industry is to meet the UK Government’s target for decarbonisation, and to acquire the investment needed to achieve this goal, it’s essential that safety is prioritised as part of the development, rollout and use of these new technologies.

    By Megan Hine, Draeger Safety UK on 10 December 2024

    Older Lady Head in Hands iStock Ridofranz

    How communication and commitment combine to create a menopause friendly workplace

    The Government has announced plans to require large employers to create action plans to support employees through the menopause, but there are simple and low-cost steps all businesses can take immediately to mitigate the impact of menopause symptoms in the workplace and support women affected by the menopause to both remain in and return to work.

    By Deborah Garlick, Henpicked: Menopause in the Workplace on 09 December 2024

    Happy Office Workers iStock JLco Julia Amaral

    How to help your team avoid burnout by managing their own ‘human bank balance’

    Employers are increasingly keen to find ways of better supporting employee health and wellbeing, but luckily there are some simple ways of boosting workers’ personal capacity, motivation and happiness – and avoiding damaging ‘burnout’.

    By Jane Sparrow, The Culture Builders on 05 December 2024