Safety Management health, safety, and wellbeing features

    Forklift Safety Cones AITT

    Accredited training – the key to a safer workplace

    Choosing accredited training means you can trust that your materials handling equipment operators are fully prepared for the job. With regular audits and high standards, accredited providers give businesses confidence that safety is always the priority.

    By Liam Knight, AITT on 08 November 2024

    Two Men Forklift Mentor

    Forklifts: why regular refresher training and monitoring is key to operational safety

    Regular refresher training and ongoing monitoring is crucial for ensuring that forklift operators do not develop unsafe habits or suffer ‘skill fade’, but it’s essential that any refresher and monitoring programme is based on a thorough assessment of a site’s unique transport safety needs and day-to-day challenges.

    By Stuart Taylor, Mentor FLT Training on 07 November 2024

    London Bikes Brigade

    Managing work-related road risk – a guide to current legislation and safety devices

    Over the past 10 years, the introduction of varying pieces of road safety legislation across the UK and Europe has left fleet managers with the unenviable task of managing numerous regulations to ensure their vehicles comply across all relevant jurisdictions. With a litany of legal points to unpick, and numerous safety devices to choose from, how does a fleet manager decipher what is most suitable in terms of functionality, quality and compliance without the worry of a device being defunct in a few years?

    By Emily Hardy and James Tyrell, Brigade on 07 November 2024

    Parked Lorry CLOCS

    CLOCS: A national framework for safer construction logistics and community safety

    CLOCS is the national standard for ensuring the safest construction vehicle journeys, reducing risk to vulnerable road users, improving air quality and congestion, and driving operational efficiencies. By becoming a CLOCS Champion and adhering to the CLOCS Standard, key stakeholders involved in construction projects can help to prevent fatalities and injuries caused by construction traffic – both on the road and on-site.

    By Andy Brooke, CLOCS on 04 November 2024

    Fleet Telematics Screens Applied Driving

    Empowering driver management with fleet and video telematics innovation

    Fleet and video telematic systems are increasingly capable of generating huge amounts of data about driver behaviour, vehicle usage and external threats on the road, but time and resource are required to analyse the results to pinpoint driver behaviour that requires attention. However, the latest AI-powered tools and processes look set to transform how quickly and effectively the data can be analysed, according to a group of road safety technology experts.

    By Queclink Wireless Solutions, SureCam, Applied Driving and Inseego UK Ltd on 04 November 2024

    Back of Van iStock RistoArnaudov

    Driver risk management: what excellent looks like

    In its second year of National Highways sponsoring the ‘best driver risk management performance’ category at the Safety & Health Excellence Awards, we take a look at this year’s winner and close contenders showing how it can be done.

    By Driving for Better Business on 04 November 2024

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    Helping you through the Duty of Care minefield

    If a company employs people who drive for work, it must have policies and procedures to minimise the associated risks, and a new policy builder helps dutyholders get started in protecting their drivers and other road users.

    By Simon Turner, Driving for Better Business on 01 November 2024

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    Driver fatigue: always minimise the risk

    Research shows that driver fatigue may be a contributory factor in up to 20 per cent of road incidents, and up to one-quarter of fatal and serious incidents.

    By Driving for Better Business on 01 November 2024

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    Establishing a company culture of safety

    Collision prevention takes growth mindsets, psychological safety and a ‘just’ culture, delegates at the recent National Highways ‘Driving Change’ conference heard.

    By Driving for Better Business on 01 November 2024

    Smartphone while driving iStock nd3000

    Tackling the cost of mobile phone distraction behind the wheel

    Fleet managers have a number of tools for preventing illegal smartphone use among employees who drive for work, but developments in AI camera monitoring and mobile phone blocking technology could help to stamp out this dangerous practice entirely.

    By Mark Hadley, Blackout Technologies on 01 November 2024