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If you have any questions relating to our terms and conditions that are not covered in the sections above please contact us on: +44 (0)20 3510 8355 or at [email protected].

Terms and conditions

  • Invest the funding only in the implementation of your wellbeing strategy.
  • Use the funding as a payment towards activity you believe will improve your workplace wellbeing, which you would not be able to fund otherwise.
  • Not use the money to make cash payments to staff, e.g., as a form of pay, bonus, prize or any other form of remuneration, or for any general running costs.
  • Have provided exact details (including proof if requested) in your application to show where and how you plan to spend the funding award.
  • Provide proof of expenditure for all funding received and any activities undertaken.
  • Demonstrate that the activity has been linked to your wellbeing strategy and ensure that it takes place within one year of receipt.
  • Submit a progress report six months after receipt.
  • Complete a full evaluation on progress with delivering your wellbeing strategy and its impact, three months after completion (i.e., 15 months from receipt, or sooner if completed earlier).
  • Enable British Safety Council to promote the award, and use your organisation as a case study, in its communications on social media and other channels. Permission will be sought with you again before publication.
  • Agree to repay the money should you fail to comply with or fulfil any of these requirements.

Other terms and conditions

  • British Safety Council reserves the right to make or withhold a funding award, based on the information it receives as part of this application process.
  • British Safety Council relies entirely on the recipient of the funding award to ensure that activities funded by it are carried out in accordance with best practice and legal requirements to avoid damage, loss or injury to persons or property.
  • British Safety Council accepts no responsibility for costs incurred other than those specifically set out in the application process, nor any liability for any accident, injury or loss sustained by any person in connection with the activities undertaken.

Payment structure of successful awards

Payment of awards will be made to successful organisations on a flexible, staged basis, based on timings set out in the application and with the agreement of British Safety Council

  • First payment: This will be made at the outset to cover any initial and set up costs.
  • Next payment(s): During your programme of activities, you will be required to update us on the progress of your activity and further payment(s) will be made as required.
  • Final payment: Once you have completed your activity you will need to complete an end of project report to let us know how it went, any changes that you made to your original plans and whether you have any funds remaining. Once this is received and checked, a remaining payment from your award will be made, likely to be around 10% of the total.