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British Safety Council 11th Annual Conference – Health, safety and wellbeing in the modern workplace, 16 October 2019.

One of the major events in the calendar of health, safety and wellbeing professionals is fast approaching. British Safety Council is holding its 11th Annual Conference Health, safety and wellbeing in the modern workplace on Wednesday, 16 October 2019 at Congress Centre in London.

This year’s conference speakers will share with delegates the latest thinking on key workplace issues as such as mental health, wellbeing leadership, new regulatory changes and the implications of the new regulatory framework for fire safety management post-Grenfell. The experts will also discuss best approaches for managing wellbeing in the workplace and improving employee participation.

Mike Robinson, Chief Executive of British Safety Council, said: “Many employers are already focussing on wellbeing as means of preventing future injuries and workplace-related ill health. It has never been more important than now that UK employers have robust health and safety frameworks in place for every aspect of life and work, including the traditional risks. Safeguarding these frameworks will be a priority when Britain leaves the EU.

“Our annual conference will update practitioners and influencers on the latest thinking on health, safety and wellbeing. The conference will be an occasion to review the challenges and opportunities facing organisations and to discuss them with leading experts.  We are delighted that among our keynote speakers are Professor David Fishwick, Chief Medical Officer at HSE, and Professor Sir Cary Cooper CBE.

Professor Fishwick is an expert in the work environment and respiratory health. Together with his role at HSE, he holds posts with Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and the University of Sheffield. He has co-authored several publications on health and wellbeing at work. At the conference, he will discuss the effective management of workplace health-related conditions with specific reference to clinical case studies.

Professor Cooper is an international expert on workplace health and wellbeing and is the author of the Future risk report commissioned by British Safety Council from Robertson Cooper and published in 2018. He was also one of the panellists of the Roundtable debate on workplace wellbeing which British Safety Council held in March 2019. At the conference he will discuss the costs and benefits of workplace wellbeing and presenteeism, the fundamentals of a good wellbeing strategy and the evidence of its success.

Conference Programme

09:00 Registration  
09:30  Welcome and introduction Mike Robinson Chief Executive, British Safety Council
09:35 Chairman's address Lawrence Waterman OBE Chairman, British Safety Council
09:45-10:15  Opening Keynote address: The effective management of workplace health related conditions. Professor David Fishwick, Chief Medical Officer, HSE
10:15-10:45 Health and wellbeing in the workplace, a case study Liz Groundland, Head of SHEQ, Seddon Construction ltd
10:45-10:55 Mates in Mind TBC
10:55-11:15 Coffee break
11:15-11:45 Presenteeism within the workplace Professor Sir Cary Cooper CBE
Founding Director Robertson Cooper
11:45-12:45 Panel Session: The future of health and safety regulation within the workplace Chair: Lawrence Waterman OBE Chairman, British Safety Council Panellists: Professor David Fishwick, Chief Medical Officer, HSE Kevan Rowan, Head of Organisation Services and Skills. Trades Union Congress Jonathan O’Neill OBE, Managing Director, Fire Protection Association Professor Sir Cary Cooper CBE
Founding Director Robertson Cooper
12:45-13:45 Lunch 
Session  1 - main room
13:45-14:20 Post-Grenfell: Implications for fire safety management Jonathan O’Neill OBE, Managing Director, Fire Protection Association
Session 2 - break out room 
13:45-14:20 A strategic approach to health and wellbeing leadership Steve Perkins
Executive Coach and Leadership Consultant, Steve Perkins Associates Limited
14:20-15:30 Debate TBC
15:30 Closing Remarks Mike Robinson Chief Executive, British Safety Council
15:35  Close