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British Safety Council has today published a full response to the manifestos of the three main political parties. The report sets out in detail how each party has responded British Safety Council’s priorities. It also scores the manifestos.

The report concludes:

All three parties promise to keep high standards and to create new structures to protect workers, with Labour going furthest and the Conservatives being most cautious, including keeping the Red Tape Challenge. All agree that mental health is important, with the Liberal Democrats including a pledge on mental health first aiders. All mention flexible working, although only the Labour manifesto mentions a menopause policy for workers. On clean air, Labour and the Liberal Democrats promise change based on WHO guidelines, while the Conservatives talk only of targets.  

Workers’ rights and clean air are important to the electorate and the main parties’ responses to this reflect their respective instincts. The Conservatives emphasise the balance between supporting business and protecting workers and Labour goes big on workers’ rights, with the Liberal Democrats between the two. On air quality, Labour and the Liberal Democrats go further and are more specific in their pledges.

British Safety Council looks forward to working with all the main parties in the next parliament to deliver on what we feel are key priorities, the basis of which can be found in each manifesto.

You can read British Safety Council’s asks of government here  and here. You can read the detailed response to the manifestos here.