
    Worker Drinking Water iStock golfcphoto

    Climate change and worker safety and health: the time to act is now

    Climate change is changing everything. It is already posing a serious threat to the safety and health of workers in all regions of the world. Workers across different sectors are exposed to climate change-related hazards, with outdoor workers at particular risk as they carry out heavy labour in hot climates.

    By Halshka Graczyk, Lacye Groening, Andreas Hoibl & Wafaa Alzaanin, International Labour Organization (ILO) on 07 June 2024

    Cyclist Wearing Mask and Bus iStock LeoPatrizi

    Key steps along the pathway to reducing air pollution from road transport

    Having long campaigned on the dangers of air pollution, and as chairman of the Westminster Commission for Road Air Quality (WCRAQ) and vice chair of the APPG (All Party Parliamentary Group) on Air Pollution, it’s clear to me that there are a number of necessary steps that the UK Government and institutions need to take in order to tackle the increasingly urgent issue of air pollution from road transport.

    By Barry Sheerman on 05 June 2024

    Car Submerged in Flood Water iStock Project B

    Turning the dial on climate change adaptation

    Public and private sector organisations should be taking action to adapt to current and future impacts of extreme weather changes caused by climate change, and an IEMA toolkit provides practical advice on getting started.

    By Chloë Fiddy, IEMA on 04 June 2024

    Parliament Manifesto iStock benedek

    A historic moment, in more ways than one

    Now that electioneering is well and truly underway in the UK, in the run up to 4 July, I know it may be the last thing you want to hear more about. But given the polls and the lively nature of the debate so far, this has the potential to be one of the more historic and memorable elections.

    By Mike Robinson FCA on 03 June 2024

    Ella Roberta

    The simple steps we can take to stem the hidden danger of indoor air pollution

    It’s a simple, obvious truth: the cleaner the air we breathe, the healthier we are. Yet, most of us are inhaling pollution out in the streets as well as in the safety of our homes, offices, schools, hospitals and other buildings – without realising the damage it is causing to our health, nor that there are quick, easy solutions to clean the air and strengthen the health of our communities.

    By Rosamund Adoo-Kissi-Debrah CBE, Ella Roberta Foundation on 30 May 2024

    Mike Robinson 3 Med

    Why our world needs safety more than ever

    Our safety, in every sense of the word, is very much in the news right now. Whether it’s wars in Europe or the Middle East, threats from terrorism or rogue states, the need to keep children safe online, or violence faced by shop keepers, the numbers and level of threats to our safety seem to rise exponentially every day.

    By Mike Robinson FCA, British Safety Council on 30 April 2024

    Mike Robinson 3 Med

    How do we fix the UK’s poor mental health and wellbeing challenge?

    If you discovered your country was losing up to £78 billion a year, you would want to do something about it, right? Well, that is how much the UK loses to workplace sickness and ill health each year.

    By Mike Robinson FCA, British Safety Council on 02 April 2024

    Man WFH iStock triloks

    Working from home – is it a good or bad thing?

    A review of academic papers suggests the impact of homeworking on employees’ wellbeing, productivity and working relationships often depends on a variety of personal contextual factors, making it essential for managers to consult workers individually to identify how best to support them.

    By Charlotte Hall and Professor Neil Greenberg, King's College London on 09 April 2024

    Scared Woman on Phone iStock SensorSpot

    Lone worker monitoring technology: is it for safety or surveillance?

    As businesses make increasing use of safety monitoring to minimise the risks associated with lone working, consideration must be given to the impact on workers. Concerns that safety monitoring measures will be used for performance management purposes may well increase rather than alleviate health and safety risks.

    By Hayden Singh, Pinsent Masons on 03 May 2024

    Usdaw Freedom From Fear

    Violence against shop workers grows in an epidemic of retail crime

    Violence against shop workers has more than doubled in a year, according to Usdaw’s latest annual survey, as official figures show that shoplifting has risen by over a third. Shoplifting is not a victimless crime; theft from shops has long been a major flashpoint for violence and abuse against shop workers.

    By Paddy Lillis, Usdaw on 26 April 2024