
    Wendy Chamberlain MP

    Unpaid carers need a legal right to unpaid leave to support their wellbeing

    Unpaid carers are the backbone of our society. It is a cliché but it is true. There are an estimated 2.3 million people providing care to their family, friends and neighbours around the country. According to the 2011 census 3,313 of them are living in my constituency in North East Fife – although we know that figure is likely to be much higher now.

    By Wendy Chamberlain, Liberal Democrat MP for North East Fife, Liberal Democrat Chief Whip and Spokesperson for Work and Pensions on 13 September 2022

    Mike Robinson 3 Med

    How can we avoid this being a winter of discontent?

    We now know the real extent of the rise we can expect in energy prices this autumn. An 80 per cent increase. Just take that in for a moment.

    By Mike Robinson FCA, British Safety Council on 12 September 2022

    Hannah Burton

    HSE commits to improving mental health as it sets out its plans for the next decade

    The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has released its new strategy for 2022-2032.

    By Hannah Burton, Pinsent Masons LLP on 23 August 2022

    Layla Moran MP

    Long Covid: employers need guidelines on managing its impact on affected workers

    When I wrote for this publication last July, the number of people living with Long Covid had reached one million, a grim milestone.

    By Layla Moran MP, Liberal Democrat Member of Parliament for Oxford West & Abingdon on 16 August 2022

    Steve Perkins Headshot Bw 1

    It’s time to up our game on preventing occupational diseases

    “What gets measured gets managed.” So said Peter Drucker, the well-known management thinker. And it’s generally true. Unfortunately, when it comes to protecting the physical health of our workers from exposures that cause disease and death, we tend to count the corpses rather than focus on controlling the exposures that produce them.

    By Steve Perkins, Steve Perkins Associates Limited on 15 August 2022

    Clive Betts MP

    Government plans to fix the building safety crisis leave leaseholders and social housing providers on the hook for significant costs

    Since the tragic fire at Grenfell Tower five years ago, it has come to light that many hundreds of buildings have dangerous cladding or other fire safety defects. Residents have become trapped in homes that are unsafe but can’t sell them as banks have been unwilling to take on the risk.

    By Clive Betts, Labour MP for Sheffield South East on 09 August 2022

    Mike Robinson 3 Med

    What a scorcher! How well did we respond to the heatwave?

    So, how was the recent heatwave for you? That is not a flippant question. I ask it in the knowledge that, almost without exception, every person in the UK and a lot in Europe, will have experienced it in one way or another this summer.

    By Mike Robinson FCA, British Safety Council on 09 August 2022

    Ruth Jones Mp

    A new Clean Air Act is needed to protect people from air pollution

    There are many responsibilities on government and on Parliamentarians and one of the most important, if not the most important, is to protect the environment and preserve our world. That’s why Labour declared a climate emergency and that’s why we want Tory ministers to act and act now.

    By Ruth Jones MP on 13 July 2022

    Andrew Bulmer Ceo Of The Property Institute Hr

    Managing fire safety in high-risk residential buildings: the challenges ahead

    Last month, the industry marked five years since the Grenfell Tower tragedy, remembering the 72 people who lost their lives, those who were injured, and their families and friends, and reflecting on the impact the disaster has had on the local community and residents in high-rise buildings across the country.

    By Andrew Bulmer, The Property Institute on 13 July 2022

    Mike Robinson 3 Med

    Safety is not a political football – so please don’t kick it!

    Safety is in the news again and, unfortunately, not always for the right reasons.

    By Mike Robinson FCA, British Safety Council on 05 July 2022