
    Construction Worker Main Istock 1326612136 Peopleimages

    University to further research into MSDs in construction

    Construction sites across Great Britain are being targeted as part of a health inspection initiative aimed at reducing musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs).

    By Belinda Liversedge on 01 March 2019

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    New campaign clears the air for outdoor workers

    British Safety Council launched Time to Breathe to a captive, if not surprised, audience of Oxford Street commuters and shoppers on Tuesday, this week.

    By Matthew Holder on 01 March 2019

    Mother wins right to take air pollution inquest to high court

    The Attorney General has given his backing for a new inquest into a young girl’s death, which, if conclusive, would be the first time air pollution is cited as a cause of death.

    By on 01 February 2019

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    Plans to build micro robots for projects announced

    New micro robots will be built to radically improve safety by inspecting in Britain’s most hazardous workplaces including nuclear power sites, as well as repairing Britain’s road network, under a £19.6 million government investment strategy, it has been announced.

    By on 01 February 2019