
    Mike Robinson 3 Med

    Time well spent, and a day to remember

    Sometimes, when you spend time at a conference, you come away thinking “well, that was eight hours I simply won’t get back!”

    By Mike Robinson FCA, British Safety Council on 20 September 2022

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    Putting mental wellbeing at the heart of a business

    EMCOR UK invests heavily in supporting the mental wellbeing of its staff, and was the first company in the world to be accredited under the new ISO 45003 standard for managing psychosocial risks at work.

    By Jonathan Gawthrop, EMCOR UK on 29 August 2022

    Samantha Peters Headshot

    Please Hold

    Everywhere you look these days, people are talking about wellbeing. It seems the subject of how we thrive, in increasingly complicated modern times, has well and truly arrived. And yet….? Are we really being strategic about this?

    By Samantha Peters, Being Well Together Committee on 17 July 2023

    Mike Robinson 3 Med

    A blast of fresh air in a fog of gloom!

    If you agree that so much in the world right now feels well, frankly, a bit gloomy and depressing, I am delighted to bring you some better, brighter news…

    By Mike Robinson FCA, British Safety Council on 04 October 2023

    Mike Robinson 3 Med

    Tune in, turn up or burn out?

    What leads to people ‘burning out’ at work, and is this at the root of the so-called ‘great resignation’ we’re seeing particularly in the US, but also here and elsewhere around the world?

    By Mike Robinson FCA on 04 January 2022

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    Time to drive up standards

    Poor conditions are forcing HGV drivers off the road. What do they want to see change?

    By Belinda Liversedge on 23 March 2022

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    Joining the dots – why health, safety and wellbeing form a virtuous circle

    Most people know and understand why it is important to maintain good ‘health’ and ‘safety’ in the workplace. But how comfortable do they feel talking about ‘wellbeing’ and what’s the best way to go about managing or affecting it at work?

    By Marcus Herbert on 15 February 2022

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    Five top wellbeing initiatives of 2022

    Five approaches to wellbeing we have been particularly impressed by this year. From getting active outdoors, to writing poetry, or making art, initiatives aim to manage specific pressures the organisations identified.

    By Belinda Liversedge on 14 December 2022

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    Happy returns: how wellbeing became big business

    It’s true that the juggernaut that is the wellbeing industry seems unstoppable, growing by 12.8 per cent in the past two years. Workplace wellness, which includes everything from gym membership schemes to therapy dogs, yoga and nutritional workshops, is growing too.

    By on 03 February 2020

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    Redefining workplace wellbeing – Part II

    Some of Britain’s most eminent thought leaders and campaigners took part in the British Safety Council’s roundtable debate on workplace wellbeing held in March. They examined and challenged wellbeing concepts and practices.

    By on 01 June 2019