
    Menopausal Woman With Fan iStock izusek

    Companies must make ‘reasonable adjustments’ for menopausal women, new guidance states

    Employers could face legal action if they fail to make “reasonable adjustments” for women who are experiencing menopause symptoms, under new guidance issued by the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC).

    By Kerry Reals on 22 February 2024

    Lauren Chiren

    Navigating the menopause maze: why employers must act

    The symptoms of the menopause can have a hugely detrimental impact on a worker’s performance and attendance, but measures such as allowing flexible working arrangements will go a long way to retaining and supporting the affected individuals.

    By Lauren Chiren, Women of a Certain Stage on 03 January 2024

    Menopause iStock Mohamed Faizal Bin Ramli

    Menopause at work: government failing to grasp benefits of providing more support to women workers

    Many employers are waking up to the realities of menopause, and the benefits of providing a supportive environment for women at work. CIPD (Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development) research shows that 30 per cent of UK employers now have menopause policies, up from 10 per cent in 2019. But I am increasingly worried that the government has not appreciated the need to seize momentum.

    By Caroline Nokes on 01 May 2023

    Deborah Garlick

    Why it’s important to be a menopause friendly employer

    Creating an environment at work where everyone feels comfortable talking about menopause can make it easier for employees struggling with the symptoms to seek help and support from their managers.

    By Deborah Garlick, Henpicked: Menopause in the Workplace on 01 March 2023

    Menopause Istock Nicolasmccomber

    Let’s step up the talk and action on menopause and work

    A third of employers do not feel well equipped to support women going through the menopause, according to an Acas poll. This is by no means an isolated finding – a long tail of research reminds us that the menopause still sits low on the list of workplace priorities.

    By Simone Cheng, Acas on 01 February 2023

    Caroline Nokes MP

    Menopause at work: women need better support from employers

    Years of pseudonyms and oblique references have long disguised the reality that menopause is a fact of life – as predictable and mundane as the menstrual periods that 50 per cent of the population experience, every month, for decades of their lives.

    By Caroline Nokes MP on 01 October 2022

    Menopause Istock Fizkes Med

    Employers must challenge stigma of menopause, says new report

    Just 30 per cent of women who took time off to deal with the menopause shared the real reason with their employer or line manager, a study by the Fawcett Society has found.

    By Belinda Liversedge on 17 May 2022

    Menopause Istock 458804423 Credit Nicolasmccomber

    Menopausal women need better support at work

    If anyone was still in doubt, the #MenopauseRevolution is truly upon us.

    By Carolyn Harris MP on 16 December 2021

    Menopause Istock Fizkes SMLL

    Labour announces ‘bold’ menopause at work policy

    Menopausal women should be treated by firms as if they have a long-term fluctuating health condition, which needs the appropriate support from workplaces, Labour has announced.

    By on 11 November 2019