
    Office Worker in Heatwave iStock CentralITAlliance

    Too hot to work? TUC calls for legal maximum UK working temperature

    As UK temperatures in June soared to their highest level this year and yellow heat health alerts were issued across much of the country, the TUC has warned of the dangers of hot workplaces and called for the introduction of a legal maximum temperature at work.

    By Kerry Reals on 25 June 2024

    Hot Worker iStock coffeekai

    How to keep workers safe in an increasingly hot United Kingdom

    The world is getting hotter, and heatwaves are becoming more frequent and more severe. Recent projections say 2024 is set to be the warmest year yet. As the summer of 2022 demonstrated, despite its reputation for cold and rain, the UK is not immune from these bouts of extremely hot weather.

    By Dr Radhika Khosla, Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment on 07 June 2024