
    Scientist MED Istock Credit Peopleimages

    Microbiological contamination: time to act

    Microorganisms like bacteria, viruses and mould can pose a significant risk to the health of workers and the public, so it’s essential that duty holders take appropriate steps to prevent their spread, such as good ventilation and regular testing and analysis to identify and monitor their presence.

    By David R Flower, Institute of Occupational Medicine on 21 September 2023

    Railway (1)

    Managing asbestos and legionella on the railway

    There are numerous regulations relating to asbestos and legionella management which railway companies must comply with to ensure optimum protection for those using their facilities.

    By Denis Morgan and Paul Sear on 13 April 2020

    Legionella Istock Credit Serezniy

    Legionella risks emerging from lockdown

    As buildings are reopened, businesses must manage the risks from legionella bacteria in water systems.

    By Matt Morse on 12 August 2020