working at height

    Construction Worker Lying on Floor iStock sorn340

    Work-related deaths in Britain rise for second year running

    Work-related fatalities in Great Britain have risen for the second year in a row, new data released by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has shown, revealing a trend reversal which British Safety Council says is a “cause for concern”.

    By Kerry Reals on 04 July 2024

    Hightech Roofing Skylight HSE

    Roofing company fined after worker falls through skylight

    A Manchester-based roofing company has been fined £20,000 after an employee fell through a skylight while carrying out repairs and broke several bones.

    By Kerry Reals on 16 May 2024

    Women Dancing at Festival iStock bernardbodo

    Backstage pass: how do festival organisers keep staff and visitors safe?

    As festivalgoers prepare to pull on their wellies, dig out their sunhats and dust off their tents ahead of another summer of live outdoor events, Safety Management looks behind the scenes at how festival organisers keep the armies of workers tasked with setting everything up safe and well.

    By Kerry Reals on 29 April 2024

    Gogglebox George Gilbey C4

    Gogglebox star’s death puts spotlight on falls from height at work

    Essex Police has confirmed that it responded to an incident in which a man died after falling from height at work near Southend-on-Sea on 27 March.

    By Kerry Reals on 28 March 2024

    Man on high Platform (IPAF)

    Simplified reporting of falls from height will identify ways to prevent accidents

    With recent statistics showing little improvement in the number of workplace falls from height, the Access Industry Forum (AIF) believes a simplified incident reporting system for falls would allow lessons to be learned about the causes and most effective preventive measures.

    By Peter Bennett OBE, Access Industry Forum (AIF) on 07 February 2024

    Man Falls Off Stepladder iStock/Halfpoint

    No Falls Week, 13–17 May: a powerful campaign to promote safe working at height

    Businesses that require employees to work at height are urged to take part in a new week-long campaign aimed at educating everyone at work about the terrible consequences of falls from height and how to prevent them.

    By Hannah Williams, No Falls Foundation on 15 February 2024

    Ladder Association 1

    We need UK government action to halt the sale of unsafe ladders on online platforms

    With tests showing that 70 per cent of multi-purpose ladders available to purchase in the UK via online platforms fail to meet minimum safety requirements designed to keep users safe, the Ladder Association is calling for the UK government to close loopholes allowing their sale.

    By David Gray, Ladder Association on 31 January 2024

    Don Aers PASMA

    Getting down to basics: 5 fundamentals of tower safety

    Although big improvements have been made in ensuring the safe use of mobile access towers over the years, accidents still happen, so it’s essential users always follow some key precautions to prevent potentially serious falls and other dangers.

    By Don Aers, PASMA on 05 February 2024

    Dylan Skelhorn Safety Up 1

    Falls from height: it’s time we stopped them

    I suffered a devastating but entirely preventable fall from height accident, and I believe it’s within the power of all employers and workers to do much more to prevent them.

    By Dylan Skelhorn, Safety Up on 31 January 2024

    Culture of Collaboration 1

    How building a culture of collaboration and transparency is making powered access safer

    Global reporting of accidents and near misses when using powered access equipment for temporary work at height is helping to inform campaigns, guidance and training from the International Powered Access Federation (IPAF), aimed at making the equipment safer to use than ever.

    By Brian Parker, IPAF on 30 January 2024