
    Wind Turbines Draeger

    The energy transition: why the safety risks must be managed

    The move to clean power, such as renewables and hydrogen, is rapidly gathering pace. If the industry is to meet the UK Government’s target for decarbonisation, and to acquire the investment needed to achieve this goal, it’s essential that safety is prioritised as part of the development, rollout and use of these new technologies.

    By Megan Hine, Draeger Safety UK on 10 December 2024

    Darren Procter

    Offshore oil, gas and renewables: time to close the regulatory void

    The recent tragic disappearance of a worker from a floating offshore drilling rig in the North Sea has highlighted concerns UK authorities have insufficient powers to regulate the safety of vessels operating in the UK’s offshore oil, gas and renewables industry.

    By Darren Procter, RMT on 09 July 2023

    Wind Farm Worker Istock 855256042 Credit Bulentbaris

    Encouraging people into green careers

    With hundreds of thousands of ‘green jobs’ set to be created as the UK seeks to achieve its decarbonisation and environmental goals, IEMA has launched a new careers hub where anybody, from any sector or background, can go for information on how they can play a role in greening the economy.

    By Martin Baxter, IEMA on 05 June 2023