Violence at work

    Liz Saville Roberts UK Parliament

    Why we need stronger legal protections to protect women against violence and harassment at work

    Sexual harassment still happens in the workplace. As a Member of Parliament, I am determined to use my role to improve the experiences of women in all aspects of life.

    By Liz Saville Roberts MP on 03 February 2025

    Retail Violence iStock Jiggo_thekop

    Violence against retail workers: a growing workplace crisis

    The festive and new year period is one of the busiest times of year for those working in retail, hospitality, and other customer-facing sectors. During this time of supposed good will and seasonal joy, we see a worrying rise in violent and abusive offences against retail workers.

    By Mike Robinson FCA, British Safety Council on 31 January 2025

    Angry Customer Cartoon iStock zaricm

    The customer is not always (al)right: the alarming rise of abuse and violence against public-facing workers

    Incidents of abuse and violence against workers who deal with the public are on the rise. What is causing this spike in inappropriate behaviour, and what can employers and the Government do to make the workplace safer for public-facing employees?

    By Kerry Reals on 31 January 2025

    Mike Robinson 3 Med

    Why our world needs safety more than ever

    Our safety, in every sense of the word, is very much in the news right now. Whether it’s wars in Europe or the Middle East, threats from terrorism or rogue states, the need to keep children safe online, or violence faced by shop keepers, the numbers and level of threats to our safety seem to rise exponentially every day.

    By Mike Robinson FCA, British Safety Council on 30 April 2024

    Group of Men Conflict Training Worthwhile Training

    Making a drama out of conflict training

    Conflict management training can give workers the skills and confidence to defuse or manage aggressive behaviour from customers, service users and the public, but it needs to be relevant, realistic and appropriate for the individual’s level of experience and capabilities.

    By Nicole Vazquez, Worthwhile Training on 02 May 2024

    Retail Crime iStock stevecoleimages

    Assault of retail workers to become a standalone crime in UK shoplifting crackdown

    Retailers have welcomed a UK government decision to make assaulting a shop worker a standalone criminal offence in England and Wales, but civil liberties groups have criticised plans to ramp up the use of facial recognition technology in town centres to help catch shoplifters.

    By Kerry Reals on 10 April 2024

    Usdaw Freedom From Fear

    Violence against shop workers grows in an epidemic of retail crime

    Violence against shop workers has more than doubled in a year, according to Usdaw’s latest annual survey, as official figures show that shoplifting has risen by over a third. Shoplifting is not a victimless crime; theft from shops has long been a major flashpoint for violence and abuse against shop workers.

    By Paddy Lillis, Usdaw on 26 April 2024

    Late night commuter iStock Zbynek Pospisil

    Employers urged to do more to protect workers’ personal safety

    Demands are growing for employers to put more measures in place to protect lone workers and customer-facing staff amid a rising tide of violence and intimidation, according to personal safety charity Suzy Lamplugh Trust and employee safety solutions provider Peoplesafe.

    By Kerry Reals on 21 March 2024

    Retail Violence iStock Jiggo_thekop

    Violence and abuse against shop workers up 50 per cent last year, says British Retail Consortium

    Incidents of violence and abuse against retail workers increased by 50 per cent to 1,300 a day in the year to September 2023, compared with the previous year, new figures from the British Retail Consortium (BRC) have shown.

    By Kerry Reals on 14 February 2024

    Co-op body camera

    Can cameras save our shop workers from attack?

    Shoplifting is on the rise, and with it the violence and intimidation of those who work in shops. We investigate whether body-worn cameras are an effective deterrent.

    By Belinda Liversedge on 09 January 2024