
    Adult with Learning Difficulties iStock FG Trade Latin

    Fire evacuation in supported housing: a different approach

    Ensuring the safe evacuation of vulnerable people from supported housing can be a major challenge, but social care provider United Response has implemented some innovative approaches to ensure residents with disabilities can safely escape without the need to rely on ‘stay put’ procedures and fire service assistance.

    By Shonagh Methven, United Response on 03 October 2024

    Worker in Wheelchair iStock Edwin Tan

    Reasonable adjustments – understanding the cost and benefits

    Although employers may sometimes be worried about the cost and resource implications, reasonable adjustments to support disabled people to thrive at work are often inexpensive and easy to enact – and provide a major boost to staff productivity, engagement and loyalty.

    By Faye Law, Acas on 26 September 2024

    Shop worker in wheelchair iStock lise gagne

    Disability – inclusion starts with a conversation

    Creating truly inclusive workplaces where disabled people can thrive brings many benefits for a business – and it all stems from supportive and sensitive conversations during the recruitment and workplace adjustment process.

    By Lucy Hendley, Lewis Silkin LLP on 25 March 2024

    Diane Lightfoot

    Disability workforce reporting: a starting point for creating inclusive work cultures

    Gathering meaningful data and insights on disability and the experiences of employees with disabilities can kick-start insightful conversations with staff on the best ways of making the workplace and the organisation more inclusive for disabled workers.

    By Diane Lightfoot, CEO, Business Disability Forum on 01 December 2023

    Cladding protest

    Where’s the support for disabled and older people living through major fire safety remediation works?

    Who Are CLADDAG (Leaseholder Disability Action Group)? In early 2020, Sarah Rennie and I didn’t know each other. We lived in different cities, independently starting to campaign on key issues for disabled and older people, which were not being addressed as part of the building safety scandal.

    By Georgie Hulme, CLADDAG on 01 August 2023

    Evacuation Chair In Use 500 Wide Min

    Emergency evacuation for people with mobility issues: why we must do better

    With research revealing poor understanding among many businesses of their duty to have arrangements in place to safely evacuate mobility-impaired people, it’s time for the government to educate building owners about their obligations and mandate the provision of evacuation equipment, to ensure a safe evacuation for everyone.

    By Gerard Wallace, Evac+Chair International on 01 August 2023

    Diane Lightfoot SMLL IMG 3753

    Building an inclusive workforce

    There are many misconceptions around disability. Often people picture the familiar image of a wheelchair user and assume that disability must be present from birth.

    By on 01 March 2019