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    We need more women in safety leadership roles – so let’s #EmbraceEquity

    Currently, approximately 21 per cent of health and safety professionals are women, which means the profession is not representative of the workplace. Translate this into leadership roles and we have even more work to do.

    By Louise Hosking, director and co-founder, OneWISH Coalition on 01 May 2023

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    Clearing the air on asbestos dangers to women

    Asbestos is killing more and more women every year. But evidence shows many still aren’t aware of the disease and how it can be acquired at work. This indicates they are more at risk.

    By Belinda Liversedge on 04 April 2022

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    Sexual harassment is rife in the UK healthcare sector

    Sexual harassment in healthcare has become ‘normalised’ and not enough is being done to address it. These are the bleak findings from a new survey of more than 2,000 nurses carried out by Nursing Times and UNISON.

    By Kim Sunley on 16 August 2021

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    Menopausal women need better support at work

    If anyone was still in doubt, the #MenopauseRevolution is truly upon us.

    By Carolyn Harris MP on 12 December 2022